Friday, September 9, 2016


Making a good website takes a lot of things in my opinion. You can easily tell if a website is made by someone who has never made one before, they always forget what makes a good website. Making a good website takes a lot of planning and it shouldn't be thought of on the spot when the person is making the website. A good website should have many key components, first off it should have a nice user friendly layout, simple things like frequently asked questions should be easily found, it should not be under a whole bunch of sub menu's. It should also have a good font, the font should be easy to read and it should be a professional font, not a font that a kid would use on his poster board for the science fair. Another thing that makes a good website is when the website has moving advertisements,it makes the website look a lot smoother and better made. The last thing I think a good website should have is a good url, a memorable url is I think one of the most important things in a good website, if people cant remember the name of your website then how are people going to find it in the first place. All of these things put together I think is what makes a good website, without all of these the website will most likely not be a good one and fail.

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